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Ziran is a combination of two characters (自然) that mean “as it is-ness”, “so of itself” or “the natural state of being”. This is a core concept of Daoism, where Ziran is the true nature of the self, without the influence of anything that would separate us from our natural spontaneous state of being. We are of nature, and our optimal state of health is to be in harmony with nature. In these modern times, we often interact with the world through various filters and identities which help us navigate the world. However, it is important to remember that the grand “You” which constitutes the totality of your being is not defined by these aspects of your identity (i.e. your job, social status, your wealth, your beauty, etc.), and the concept of Ziran cuts through any filters or layers of separation from our core self, and attunes to the natural course and rhythms of the universe, the natural unfolding, the Way, or the Dao. Each individual has their own connection to this natural state, and each person will have a unique path to find their harmonious and balanced state of being.



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Ted Lizée, L.Ac., is a California Licensed Acupuncturist, and herbalist as well as a NCCAOM National Board-Certified Acupuncturist. He received a Masters Degree from Emperor’s College in Santa Monica, CA, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Clinical experience includes seeing patients in private practice, as well as treating at the Emperor’s College Community Acupuncture Clinic, clinical externships at the Roy & Patricia Disney Cancer Center in Burbank, CA, and at the Venice Family Clinic’s Simms/Mann Health and Wellness Center, as well as providing acupuncture services at the annual West Los Angeles Veterans Administration “Stand Down” events.

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Ted is a life-long martial artist, studying multiple systems of Chinese martial arts for nearly three decades, and teaching for over two decades. He is a 3rd Duan Black Belt, Sifu rank in the Natural Spirt Fist Kung Fu Association, and instructor of the Ziran Dao Quan Kung Fu school in Thousand Oaks, California. He has been training Chinese martial arts since 1992, including Northern Shaolin Quan Fa, Tibetan White Crane Gong Fu, Emperor’s Long Fist, Yang Style Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi), Ba Gua Zhang, Xing Yi Quan and Yi Quan Qi Gong.

My Story

My interests in the healing arts comes from my martial arts background, where many of my instructors and mentors were and are acupuncturists. In my years of martial arts training, I’ve had my share of bruises, aches, sprains and broken bones, and saw first-hand how effective Chinese Medicine was at treating injury and managing pain. After delving into Traditional Chinese Medicine and years of schooling, education, and clinical experience, I’ve been exposed to the depth and beauty of this medicine beyond treatment of physical pain and trauma, although this medicine is effective at treating these issues. The breadth of this medicine includes preventative medicine and boosting natural immunity, to supporting digestive wellness, fertility, organ function support, as well as mental/emotional health and stress management. I am honored to share this medicine with the world, and help bring balance and better health into our lives, and to share my love of the martial arts and qi gong with the world, for I am a life-long student of the arts, and it continues to enrich my life every day.