Ziran Acupuncture

East Asian Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years as a complete medical system across Asia, and the wealth of knowledge in this medicine is applicable to our modern lives. This medicine uses a holistic approach to view patients in their entirety, as unique individuals, each with a personal state of health.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are the primary methods of treatment we use to communicate with the body to help the patient adjust to a more balanced state. We also use manual manipulation methods including cupping, gua sha, and tui na massage when needed. We recognize the complexity of each individual, and use these ancient ways of healing to help you live a better life.

Ziran Movement

We are surrounded by movement, and it is deeply engrained in the fibers of our existence. Mindfulness adds another dimension, when we bring our awareness to the present moment, and focus our attention directly on what we are experiencing. Combining movement practices with mindfulness forges deeper connections to ourselves.

At Ziran Movement we practice Chinese systems of martial arts, ranging from meditative movements and focused breath-work (Qi Gong) to gentle and flowing movements (Tai Chi) to active and vigorous movements (Quan Fa). These art forms provide pathways to develop interconnections between the mind and body, ultimately providing a method of practice to connect with yourself and to promote better health.